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Recent Manuscripts _

  • Yacovone, A., Waite, B., Levari, T., & Snedeker, J. (2024). Let them eat ceke: An electrophysiological study of form-based prediction in rich naturalistic contexts. [PDF] [OSF]

  • Slim, M., Kandel, M., Yacovone, A., & Snedeker, J. (2024). Webcams as windows to the mind? A direct comparison between in-lab and web-based eye-tracking methods. [PDF] [OSF]

  • Brothers, T., Morgan, E., Yacovone, A., & Kuperberg, G.R. (2023). Multiple predictions during language comprehension: Friends, foes, or indifferent companions? Cognition, 241, 105602. [PDF] [OSF]

Manuscripts Under Review

  • Yacovone, A., Carter, J., Kocab, A., Davidson, K., & Snedeker, J. (in revision at Neurobiology of Language). Linguistic modality (hand)shapes your expectations: An EEG study of form-based predictions during naturalistic comprehension of stories in American Sign Language. [PDF] [OSF]

  • Waite, B., Yacovone, A., & Snedeker, J. (under review). Case clozed: Young children can explicitly predict upcoming words in a naturalistic, story-based cloze task.

Manuscripts In Preparation

  • Yacovone, A., Waite, B., & Snedeker, J. (in preparation). Prediction is a piece of ceke: An EEG study of form-based prediction in young children during storytelling contexts.

  • Yacovone, A., Alexander, T., Brothers, T., Nour Eddine, S., Wang, L., & Kuperberg, G.R. (in preparation). Helping a neighbor in need: Interactions between predictability and local semantic priming in naturalistic reading and simulations from predictive coding models.

  • Yacovone, A., Brothers, T., Alexander, T., & Kuperberg, G.R. (in preparation). The role of prediction in naturalistic reading of short stories: Insights from the N400 response.

Peer-reviewed Manuscripts

  • Yacovone, A., Shafto, C. L., Worek, A., & Snedeker, J. (2021). Word vs. World Knowledge: A developmental shift from bottom-up lexical cues to top-down plausibility. Cognitive Psychology, 131, 101442. [PDF] [OSF]

  • Yacovone, A., Moya, E., & Snedeker, J. (2021). Unexpected words or unexpected languages? Two ERP effects of code-switching in naturalistic discourse. Cognition, 215, 104814. [PDF] [OSF]

  • Yacovone, A., Rigby, I., & Omaki, A. (2020). Children’s comprehension and repair of garden-path wh-questions. Language Acquisition, 27(4),
    363-396. [PDF]

  • Rysling, A., Bishop, J., Clifton Jr, C., & Yacovone, A. (2020). Preceding syllables are necessary for the accent advantage effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(3), EL285-EL288. [PDF]

  • Omaki, A., Ovans, Z., Yacovone, A., & Dillon, B. (2019). Rebels without a clause: Processing reflexives in fronted wh-predicates. Journal of Memory and Language, 107, 80-94. [PDF]


  • Yacovone, A. (2023). Grape Expectations: A collection of EEG stories on form-based prediction in natural language contexts (Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University). [PDF]